We help you get more customers and turnover with our exclusive leads. 

Discover our exclusive lead model and immediately score new customers on leads that are only sold to you. Our exclusive leads are guaranteed to generate more sales for you.

You're done in 2 minutes!

Guaranteed more turnover
  • High quality leads
  • Flexible collaboration
  • Active in 50+ markets
Short lines
Exclusive quote requests
Guaranteed success

Guaranteed more success with our exclusive leads

We consciously choose the exclusive lead model. Because that works better for our customers. With exclusive lead campaigns we attract different types of leads than the quote comparators. No race to the bottom for the cheapest price, but quality leads. And you will notice that in your follow-up and score!

Your success = our success

That's why we've built a unique feedback model that allows us to trace exactly which marketing campaigns led to your success. And with that feedback we can make our marketing campaigns better for you. So that you get better leads again.

Our success formula

"I am very happy with our collaboration. The pleasant contact, the short lines. But unfortunately the results are not yet at the desired level for me. I am not getting enough new customers from the campaigns you run for us."

We received this message from one of our customers active in cast floors. It is our job to improve this. We asked the customer to share the results on our leads with us. We then linked this to our marketing data. Based on our unique feedback model, we could see exactly what worked well for the customer and what did not. And then it's simple: we stopped what wasn't working well and continued with what was creating success.

The result: a very satisfied customer who stopped using other lead companies after our optimization. And we are proud of that!

From 20% to 40% conversion from lead to appointment. This is how we did it:

  • The customer returned the feedback per lead to us. We linked this feedback to our marketing data via our unique feedback model.
  • This way we knew exactly which marketing campaigns were successful and which (parts) were not. We stopped what wasn't working well and only continued with what was successful for the customer.
  • These interventions doubled the score from lead to appointment. Customer happy, we happy. And so we expanded our collaboration to the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. And the score on our leads? It is still above average!

We are your partner. No supplier.

At BesteLeads.nl we are your commercial partner. We want a long-term relationship. We are your marketing agency that you pay based on: performance and not based on hours. Your success is our success. 

Our lines are short. No difficult systems where you have to log in. You can simply call, text or email us. Our entire team is available every day to help you achieve greater success with your business.

Hoe werken we succesvol samen?

We work successfully for dozens of companies with our exclusive lead generation campaigns. 

  • Step 1
    We always start our collaboration with a pilot. The pilot period is without further obligations. No long-term contracts. No fuss. It's up to us to prove that our exclusive leads will bring you success.

    Based on your campaign budget for the pilot, we are guaranteed to generate the desired numbers of exclusive leads. And then we evaluate our collaboration to see whether there is fertile ground for permanent, monthly collaboration.
  • Step 2
    After your approval for a pilot, we determine the ultimate marketing strategy for your application. We set up special landing pages that match what you are looking for and build the marketing campaigns in the work areas from which you want to receive your leads. We will deliver you the desired numbers of leads in your work area in a maximum of 2 months. Can't we do it? You do not have to pay for leads that are not delivered.
  • Step 3
    And then it starts. The campaigns are starting. We deliver our exclusive leads to you in real time. You can get started right away with the quote requests that come to you exclusively through our campaigns.
  • Step 4
    After the pilot, we would like to receive feedback on the exclusive leads we have generated. Who were you able to make an appointment or close a deal with? We link this feedback to our marketing data via our unique feedback model. This way we know exactly what was successful within our campaigns and we optimize our marketing campaigns to generate even better quality leads for you.

Would you also like to collaborate successfully? Contact us!

We are also active in your industry

We have been active in more than 50 industries for years with our exclusive lead generation campaigns. We generate 7,500 leads per month for our customers and we are still growing every month. From cast floors to shutters, from heat pumps to stair renovation and from accountants to occupational health and safety services. We are also active in your market and can help you.

With our years of knowledge and experience, we are sure that we will also be successful in your market. Sign up for a pilot!

Do you also want exclusive leads that are guaranteed to bring you more customers and turnover?

Please fill in the form above. If you prefer to call us directly, please call 055 204 8160.

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